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ISPG Webinar 1 with Dr Lesli Wood (Colorado School of Mines) - Seismic Geomorphology
CSPG Technical Luncheon - Lesli Wood
ISPG Webinar #10 Bone Basin History and its Hydrocarbon Potential
ISPG Ngabuburit 4 - Sequence Stratigraphy Application for Play Prospectivity (Sidiq Pramada)
ISPG Webinar #17 Water Breakthrough, Gas Breakout, etc… How 4D Seismic Undo or Delay it
Leslie Wood: landscapes
FOSI Talk 16 May 2020 Seismic Geomorphology and Sequence Stratigraphy by Henry Posamentier
ISPG Webinar Talk 2 - Randomness, Serendipity and Luck in Petroleum Exploration
Exploring in Ancient Landscapes: Seismic Geomorphology
BSG Postgraduate Forum Webinar 1 - Career Pathways in Geomorphology
Dr. Lesli Wood, PhD - The Denver International Petroleum Society (DIPS) - December 11th, 2020
Taking Seismic Geomorphology to the next level with Machine Learning